Fermentation | 2022

The ancient technique of fermentation is believed to be as old as the first human civilisations and can be considered one of human's most primitive biotechnological tools. This metabolical process occurs when microorganisms such as yeast or bacteria convert carbohydrates (sugars or starches) into other compounds, such as alcohol, acids, or gases. However, to achieve the purpose of preservation, its environment needs to be in a complete absence of oxygen, or the product can easily be contaminated with unwanted microbes such as mold. The series of experimentations are inspired by this idea and document outcomes that have failed to remain anaerobic.
Additionally, the artist combines these unsuccessful preservations with modern technology to create a digital specimen, being preserved on a screen positioned behind the glass vessels. Utilising a Webcam, visual information is being captured and fed into a computer. Following this, the software program MaxMSP translates the live information and materialises a foreign organism that is able to react to the actions of the viewer and bridge the boundaries between human and technology.